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3201. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice; Crane, Susan
Y-12 Resisters Face Sentencing
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 163 * Seite 1-1 - + 4-4
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Justiz/Gesetze; Widerstand * USA * Obituary Jackie Hudson * Dok-Nr: 238399 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3202. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Lowry Out Of Jail , Back In Again
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 163 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * USA * Rekrutierung; Norman Lowry * Dok-Nr: 238408 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3203. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
International Notes Olkiluoto
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 163 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Internationale Solidarität; Widerstand * Finnland * Blockade; Atomkraftwerk * Dok-Nr: 238413 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3204. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Global Resistance to Nuclear Power on the rise
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 1-1 - + 9-9
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Widerstand * Frankreich; Grossbritannien; Kanada; Türkei; USA; Weissrussland * Mersin; Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project - JNPP;; Électricité de France - EDF; EDF Energy; Darlington; Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant; Shut it Down Affinity Group;;; Flamanville nuclear power plant; Akkuyu reactor site * Dok-Nr: 235150 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3205. (Artikel * 2011) Quigley, Bill; Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice; Eiger, Leonard; Nesbitt, Chrissy
Across the nation , N-Bomb Protests lead to prison Five Jailed for Cutting Fence at Nuclear Bunker
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 1-1 - + 4-4
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Atomwaffen; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor; * Dok-Nr: 235151 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3206. (Artikel * 2011) Kinane, Ed
Resistance Reflections From Civil Disobedience to Civil Defiance
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 2 - 2
Themen: Basisbewegung; Widerstand * USA * gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Arabischer Frühling; * Dok-Nr: 235153 * Dok-Art: Essay
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3207. (Artikel * 2011) Meyer, Karl
Resistance Reflections Karl Meyers Notes On Pro Se Defence
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 2-2 - + 12-12
Themen: Justiz/Gesetze; Widerstand * USA * * Dok-Nr: 235154 * Dok-Art: Analyse
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3208. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Orlando Arrests Food Not Bombs
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Armut; Hunger; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA *; Orlando Food Not Bombs - OFNB * Dok-Nr: 235155 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3209. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Longest-Serving Nuclear Resister Due Out in September
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Gefangene; Internationale Solidarität; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * politische Gefangene; Helen Woodson * Dok-Nr: 235156 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3210. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Midwest Catholic Workers Block Work at Kansas City Nuclear Weapons Factory
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Infrastruktur; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand; Christentum * USA * * Dok-Nr: 235158 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3211. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Veterans Lead Resistance on Iraq Invasion Anniversary
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Krieg; Repression; Widerstand * Irak; USA * Solidarität; Whistleblower Bradley Manning; Veterans for Peace;; Iraq Veterans Against the War * Dok-Nr: 235160 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3212. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Forgotten Dead Memorialized In Hollywood
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Familie; Krieg; Widerstand * Afghanistan; Irak; USA * * Dok-Nr: 235161 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3213. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
" Disarm , Disarm ! The Sword of Murder is Not the Balance of Justice !"
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Militär/Militarismus; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Blockade;; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor * Dok-Nr: 235164 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3214. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Resisters Pushed Out by Pentagon Cops
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Demokratie; Krieg; Militär/Militarismus; Regierung; Repression; Umwelt/Ökologie; Widerstand * USA * National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance; DisArmageddon * Dok-Nr: 235165 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3215. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Holy Week
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Konzern; Militär/Militarismus; Religionen; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Seattle;; Lockheed Martin;; Nevada Test Site; * Dok-Nr: 235166 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3216. (Artikel * 2011) Mottern, Nick
Ground The Drones
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 8 - 8
Themen: Krieg; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Originaltext; Syracuse Peace Council;;; Hancock Field * Dok-Nr: 235168 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3217. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 8 - 8
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * Grossbritannien * Blockade;; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - CND; Faslane Peace Camp * Dok-Nr: 235169 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3218. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Tax Time in Milwaukee
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 8 - 8
Themen: Krieg; Widerstand * USA *; War Tax Resistance * Dok-Nr: 235170 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3219. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
International Notes Jeju Island
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 9 - 9
Themen: Gefangene; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * Südkorea; USA * Hungerstreik; US-Militärbasis; * Dok-Nr: 235173 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
3220. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
International Notes London
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 162 * Seite 9 - 9
Themen: Krieg; Regierung; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand; Christentum * Grossbritannien * Pax Christi; Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Catholic Worker * Dok-Nr: 235174 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)