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2461. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Prison Time For Drone Protest
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 1-1 - 4-4
Themen: Gefangene; Justiz/Gesetze; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * USA * politische Gefangene; Blockade; Drohnen; Hancock Field; gewaltfreier Protest; Whiteman Air Force Base; Brian Terrell; Ron Faust; Beale Air Force Base; * Dok-Nr: 246453 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2462. (Artikel * 2012) Terrell, Brian
Resistance Reflections Pro Se Defence In the Catholic Worker Tradition
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 2 - 2
Themen: Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand; Christentum * USA * * Dok-Nr: 246454 * Dok-Art: Essay
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2463. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Trident Resisters Speak Out in Court
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Justiz/Gesetze; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Atomwaffen;; Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor; * Dok-Nr: 246458 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2464. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Vermont Yankee Resistance
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Frauen; Justiz/Gesetze; Repression; Widerstand * USA * Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant; Shut it Down Affinity Group; Entergy Vermont Yankee * Dok-Nr: 246459 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2465. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Kansas City Plant Trials
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Justiz/Gesetze; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Atomwaffen; Carl Kabat; Kansas City nuclear weapons plant; Henry Stoever; Midge Potts * Dok-Nr: 246463 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2466. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Kansas City Plant Trials
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Justiz/Gesetze; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Atomwaffen; Carl Kabat; Kansas City nuclear weapons plant; Henry Stoever; Midge Potts * Dok-Nr: 246464 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2467. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
INTERNATIONAL NOTES London - Scotland - Australia - Hinkley - Sizewll - Harrogate
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 168 * Seite 6 - 7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Krieg; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand; Christentum * Afghanistan; Australien; Grossbritannien * Blockade; Kurzberichte; Atomkraftwerk; Anti-AKW-Bewegung; US-Militärbasis; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Swan Island; Stuart Holmes;; Bryan Law;;; Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases - CAAB;; Hinkley Point nuclear power plant;; Barbara Dowling; Mary Millington; Leonna O'Neill;; Lindis Percy * Dok-Nr: 246474 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2468. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Inside Y-12 , Hammering on the Foundation of The Bomb Transform Now Plowshares
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 1-1 - 3-3
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand; Christentum * USA * Atomwaffen; ziviler Ungehorsam; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Michael Walli; Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility - HEUMF; Transform Now Plowshares;; Megan Rice; Greg Boertje-Obed * Dok-Nr: 244957 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2469. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Campaign Office Sit-Ins to Free Bradley Manning
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 1-1 - 4-4
Themen: Gefangene; Justiz/Gesetze; Polizei; Repression; UN; Wahlen; Widerstand * USA * Solidarität; Barack Obama; Wikileaks; Bradley Manning;; Sit-In; Aktionsform; Iraq Veterans Against the War; Juan Mendez; Präsidentschaftswahlkampf; Oakland; PDX Bike Swarm; Portland * Dok-Nr: 244958 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2470. (Artikel * 2012) Naar-Obed, Michele
Resistance Reflections
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 2 - 2
Themen: Erziehung; Familie; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand; Christentum * USA * * Dok-Nr: 244960 * Dok-Art: Essay
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2471. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Protesters Keep Pressure on Entergy
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Frauen; Widerstand * USA * ziviler Ungehorsam; Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant; Shut it Down Affinity Group; * Dok-Nr: 244962 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2472. (Artikel * 2012) Boertje-Obed, Greg
The Inside Line - Writings from Jail from Blount County
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Außenpolitik; Gefangene; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand; Christentum * USA * Atomwaffen; Abrüstung; Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex; Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility - HEUMF; Transform Now Plowshares * Dok-Nr: 244963 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2473. (Artikel * 2012) Lowry, Norman
The Inside Line - Writings from Jail from Camp Hill Prisoner Of Conscience
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Alltag; Gefangene; Widerstand; Christentum; Identität * USA * * Dok-Nr: 244964 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2474. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Infrastruktur; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * Südkorea; USA * US-Militärbasis;; * Dok-Nr: 244967 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2475. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Bergbau; Widerstand * Australien * Uran; Blockade; BHP Billiton; Olympic Dam Uranium Mine; * Dok-Nr: 244968 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2476. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Infrastruktur; Polizei; Repression; Widerstand * Frankreich * Polizeigewalt; Atomkraftwerk;; Flamanville; Montabot; Beaulieu-sur-Oudon; powerline; Chefresne; Hochspannungsleitung * Dok-Nr: 244969 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2477. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Internationale Solidarität; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * Grossbritannien * Blockade; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Trident Ploughshares;; Serious Organised Crime and Police Act - SOCPA * Dok-Nr: 244972 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2478. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Internationale Solidarität; Repression; Widerstand * Finnland * Atomkraftwerk; gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; * Dok-Nr: 244974 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2479. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
New York Drone Protests Continue
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 7-7 - 8-8
Themen: Krieg; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Gewaltloser Widerstand; Drohnenkrieg;; robotic warfare * Dok-Nr: 244975 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
2480. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
FUTURE ACTIONS swan island - hinkley point - vandenberg - ft. benning
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 167 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Krieg; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * Afghanistan; Australien; Grossbritannien; Lateinamerika; USA * Atomkraftwerk; gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; School of the Americas / WHINSEC;;; robotic weapons; social control technologies; Alliance to Resist Robotic Warfare & Society - ARROWS * Dok-Nr: 244976 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)