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481. (Artikel * 2009) Wolff, Peter The financial crisis and developing nations Ramifications and responses in Rural 21 Nr. 2 * Seite 8 - 9 Themen: Wirtschaftskrise * Entwicklungsländer * Dok-Nr: 201953 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
482. (Artikel * 2009) Klasen, Stephan Reshaping Economic Geography What role for rural areas ? in Rural 21 Nr. 2 * Seite 10 - 13 Themen: IWF/Weltbank; Ländliche Entwicklung * World Development Report * Dok-Nr: 201954 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
483. (Artikel * 2009) Schmidt-Kallert, Einhard Migration - the key to better life in cities and rural areas alike in Rural 21 Nr. 2 * Seite 14 - 17 Themen: Migration * World Development Report * Dok-Nr: 201955 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
484. (Artikel * 2009) Ndiaye, Ndioro Migration and small urbanisation The case of Senegal in Rural 21 Nr. 2 * Seite 18 - 21 Themen: Landwirtschaft; Migration; Stadt * Senegal * Urbanisierung * Dok-Nr: 201956 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
485. (Artikel * 2009) Al-Jayyousi, Odeh Islamic values and rural sustainable development in Rural 21 Nr. 2 * Seite 39 - 41 Themen: Islam; Ländliche Entwicklung; Nachhaltigkeit * * Dok-Nr: 201961 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
486. (Artikel * 2009) Brockhaus, Maria; Botoni, Edwige Ecosystem services - local benefits, global impacts The importance of ecosystem services for ecological and human well-being in the past, present, and future is being recognised more and more. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 8 - 11 Themen: Naturschutz/Artenschutz; Biodiversität * Ökosystemdienstleistungen * Dok-Nr: 200805 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
487. (Artikel * 2009) Kosmus, Marina; Cordero, Doris Payments fpr Environmental Services - an instrument to maintain global ecosystems The efforts to conserve ecosystems in the last decades have not been sufficent. The Millenium Ecosystem Asessment states that the majority of ecosystems on which human well-being depends, are being used in an unsustainable way. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 12 - 17 Themen: Naturschutz/Artenschutz * Ökosysteme; Ökosystemdienstleistungen; Payments for Environmental Services (PES) * Dok-Nr: 200806 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
488. (Artikel * 2009) Wucke, Anja Carbon Markets: important instruments for global environmental policy The emergence of markets to buy and sell carbon credits is evolving from a global push to stop climate change. The Clean Development Mechanism and Voluntary Carbon Market provide two paths to achieving greenhouse gas emission reductions; however, neither is foolproof. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 18 - 20 Themen: Klima * Kohle; Klimaschutz; Emissionshandel; Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) * Dok-Nr: 200807 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
489. (Artikel * 2009) Scholl, Johannes; Scheliha, Stephanie von REDD - finance mechanism of the future? Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation is the new buzzword in international forest conservation in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 20 - 24 Themen: Klima; Wald * Klimaschutz; Treibhausgasemissionen * Dok-Nr: 200808 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
490. (Artikel * 2009) Cabieses, Hugo Avoided deforestation with the inhabitants of Manú Human Development is key to the success of conserving biodiversity anywhere on earth. The inhabitants of the rainforest and its surrounding areas have the knowledge and skills required to protect biodiversity. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 25 - 28 Themen: Klima; Wald; Biodiversität * Peru * * Dok-Nr: 200809 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
491. (Artikel * 2009) Woelcke, Johannes; Tennigkeit, Timm Harvesting agricultural carbon in Kenya The smallholder agricultural sector in East Africa can substantially contribute to climate change mitigation, generate carbon revenues for farmers, and enhance agrobiodiversity, while reducing farmers´ vulnerability to climate change. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 29 - 31 Themen: Klima; Ländliche Entwicklung; Landwirtschaft * Kenia; Ostafrika * Treibhausgasemissionen * Dok-Nr: 200810 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
492. (Artikel * 2009) Jenkins, Michael; Olander, Jacob Factories or forests?-Bringing ecosystem service markets back to the land Investment in environmental markets including the carbon markets has risen to 66 billion US-dollars within a decade. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 32 - 33 Themen: Klima; Biodiversität * Emissionshandel; Ökosystemdienstleistungen * Dok-Nr: 200811 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
493. (Artikel * 2009) Scholz, Imme; Sand, Isabel van de Ecosystem services versus poverty services ? The recent flurry of interest in payments for ecosystem services (PES) is partly related to the perception the it can be used as a tool to simultaneously achieve poverty alleviation and conservation benefits. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 34 - 35 Themen: Armut * Ökosystemdienstleistungen * Dok-Nr: 200812 * Dok-Art: Kommentar Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
494. (Artikel * 2009) Stevens, Christopher The emerging picture on EPAs Although 35 ACP states initialled Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) almost a year ago, the negotiations continue. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 36 - 38 Themen: AKP * Wirtschaftsabkommen * Dok-Nr: 200813 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
495. (Artikel * 2009) Agrawal, Nand Kishor; Stewen, Marcus Mainstreaming Natural Resource Management (NRM) approaches in rural India Desertification and degredation of natural resources are the main causes of increasing poverty in rural areas of India. in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 39 - 41 Themen: Armut; Klima; Ländliche Entwicklung * Indien * Klimawandel * Dok-Nr: 200814 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
496. (Artikel * 2008) sri/ib Lessons learned from the food crisis? World Food Day, on 16 October 2008 was dominated, as expected by the current food (price) crisis in Rural 21 Nr. 6 * Seite 4 - 4 Themen: Ernährung; Hunger * Lebensmittelkrise * Dok-Nr: 200592 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
497. (Artikel * 2008) Traoré, Koda A. Are ICTs a new revolution in rural areas? No one doubts the contribution of information and communication technologies to development in Rural 21 Nr. 6 * Seite 8 - 10 Themen: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Informationstechnologien; Medien * * Dok-Nr: 200593 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
498. (Artikel * 2008) Wald, Albrecht; Koblo, Reiner ICT and poverty reduction Mobile telecommunications advancing fast in Rural 21 Nr. 6 * Seite 11 - 13 Themen: Armut; Informationstechnologien; Medien * * Dok-Nr: 200594 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
499. (Artikel * 2008) Scherf, Thorsten Universal Acess Funds Bringing telecommunications to the rural area in Rural 21 Nr. 6 * Seite 14 - 15 Themen: Informationstechnologien; Ländliche Entwicklung * Telekommunikation * Dok-Nr: 200595 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
500. (Artikel * 2008) Jerling, Dion Without energy not ICT! ICT is unquestionably a key driver of development - take for example the unique sucess of the mobile phone around the World in Rural 21 Nr. 6 * Seite 16 - 17 Themen: Energie; Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Informationstechnologien * * Dok-Nr: 200596 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |