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181. (Artikel * 2016) Herforth, Anna
How agriculture can boost nutrition That agriculture can play a crucial role in the fight against malnutrition is no new insight. But whta has to be done for agriculture to adequately fulfil this vital role? Our author reports on the state of debate and presents the multiple entry points and top priorities for nutrition- sensitive agriculture.
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 6 - 8
Themen: Ernährung; Hunger; Landwirtschaft * * Dok-Nr: 272716
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
182. (Artikel * 2016) Christinck, Anja; Kraemer, Friederike
What should seed systems look like? The article discusses ways in which seed issues are related to the concept, and suggestions are made for addressing such relations when designing seed-related policies.
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 10 - 11
Themen: Ernährung; Gesundheit; Landwirtschaft * * Dok-Nr: 272717
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
183. (Artikel * 2016) Qaim, Matin; Sibhatu, Kibrom T.; Krishna, Vijesh V.
Market access and farm household dietary diversity
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 12 - 14
Themen: Ernährung; Gesundheit; Landwirtschaft * Kleinbauern; Marktzugang * Dok-Nr: 272718
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
184. (Artikel * 2016) Quisumbing, Agnes; Malapit, Hazel
Gendered pathways to better nutirtion
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 15 - 17
Themen: Ernährung; Gender; Landwirtschaft * * Dok-Nr: 272719
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
185. (Artikel * 2016) Patel, Amrit
Seizing the opportunity
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 20 - 22
Themen: Ernährung; Gesundheit; Landwirtschaft * Indien * Hülsenfrüchte * Dok-Nr: 272721
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
186. (Artikel * 2016) Richter, Silvia; Schmitz, Stefan
"All measures must bring tangible benefits for smallholder farmers"
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 23 - 25
Themen: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Ernährung; Landwirtschaft * BRD * * Dok-Nr: 272722
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
187. (Artikel * 2016) Höffler, Heike
Walking the talk in nutrition- sensitive agriculture How can the concept of nutrition- sensitive agriculture be translated into concrete projects in the context of development cooperation? Four examples from the activities of GIZ.
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 26 - 29
Themen: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Ernährung; Landwirtschaft * Äthiopien; Ghana; Kenia; Nigeria * * Dok-Nr: 272728
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
188. (Artikel * 2016) Blanchard, Claire; Lieberum, Maren
Combining efforts to end hunger and malnutrition The SUN Movement
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 30 - 31
Themen: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Ernährung; Hunger * * Dok-Nr: 272729
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
189. (Artikel * 2016) Okello, Denis
Completing the revolution through biofortification
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 32 - 33
Themen: Ernährung; Hunger; Landwirtschaft * Biofortifikation * Dok-Nr: 272730 * Dok-Art: Kommentar
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
190. (Artikel * 2016) Pfeiffer, Thomas; et al.; Bexte, David; Dolch, Erik
Measuring gaps, weighing benefits This article focuses on maize and pineapple value chains in Ghana to demonstrate what perceptions of quality there are and how the adoption of quality infrastructure services could be promoted.
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 35 - 37
Themen: Landwirtschaft; Mais * Ghana * Kleinbauern; Ananas * Dok-Nr: 272731
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
191. (Artikel * 2016) Balasubramanian, Sharada
The seed savers from Tamil Nadu
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 38 - 40
Themen: Landwirtschaft; Reis * Indien * Selbstorganisierung * Dok-Nr: 272733
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
192. (Artikel * 2016) Gebremedhin, Berhanu; Hoekstra, Dirk; Birke, Fanos Mekonnen; Bogale, Aklilu
E- book readers: Handy tools for agricultural extension workers in Ethiopia?
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 41 - 43
Themen: Infrastruktur; Landwirtschaft * Äthiopien * Technologie * Dok-Nr: 272736
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
193. (Artikel * 2015) Richter, Silvia
What went wrong in Ebola response?
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 8 - 11
Themen: Gesundheit; Regierung; WHO * Ebola * Dok-Nr: 272705
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
194. (Artikel * 2015) Janke, Christian
Between ignorance, misperception and dilemma An analysis of German humanitarian emergency relief in Liberia and significance of the human factor.
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 12 - 15
Themen: Gesundheit; Katastrophe * BRD; Liberia * humanitäre Hilfe; Ebola * Dok-Nr: 272706
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
195. (Artikel * 2015) Moninger, Jochen; Gronborg- Helms, Mathilde
The Ebola crisis and its effects on rural Sierra Leone
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 16 - 19
Themen: Gesundheit; Infrastruktur; Ländliche Entwicklung * Sierra Leone * Ebola * Dok-Nr: 272707
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
196. (Artikel * 2015) Burgeon, Dominique; Rural 21
Safeguard livelihoods, strengthen resilience In the summer of 2014, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched a programme in response to the Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa. We asked Dominique Burgeon, Director of the FAO Emergency and Rehabilitation Division, about the results.
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 20 - 21
Themen: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; FAO; Landwirtschaft * Westafrika * Ebola * Dok-Nr: 272708 * Dok-Art: Interview
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
197. (Artikel * 2015) Rural 21; Maiyegun, Olawale
Demonstrating solidarity in Africa
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 22 - 24
Themen: AU (Afrikanische Union) * Westafrika * Ebola; Krisenmanagement * Dok-Nr: 272709 * Dok-Art: Interview
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
198. (Artikel * 2015) Vennemann, Matthias
Rural development - the underestimated health hazard? Rural development and food security once again top the list of priorities for German and international development policy. However, interventions in these fields involve numerous potential health hazards. The author describes some of these in the following article.
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 25 - 28
Themen: Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Gesundheit; Ländliche Entwicklung * BRD * * Dok-Nr: 272710
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
199. (Artikel * 2015) Harman, Sophie
Why billions in foreign aid failed to prevent Ebola outbreak Money spent on health systems of partner countries in the context of international cooperation runs into the billions. Why have the health systems nevertheless failed so miserably in the case of Ebola?
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 29 - 29
Themen: Gesundheit * Spenden; Entwicklungshilfe; Ebola * Dok-Nr: 272711 * Dok-Art: Kommentar
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
200. (Artikel * 2015) Rural 21; Geigenmüller, Maximilian
"We need more money for R&D on diseases of poverty!" Given the magnitude of the problem, spending on research into poverty- related and neglected tropical diseases is by far not sufficient. Are experiences with the recent Ebola epidemic and the resolutions adopted by this year´s G7 Conferences going to bring about changes? An assessment by Maximilian Geigenmüller of Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung.
in Rural 21 Nr. 4 * Seite 30 - 31
Themen: Armut; Gesundheit * Entwicklungshilfe * Dok-Nr: 272712 * Dok-Art: Interview
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)