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141. (Artikel * 1997) N.N.
Court approves confiscation law/ "El ministro" arrested/ Samper feeling increasingly isolated Relations set to improve with us/ Head of South American heroin trade captured in Bogota/Press and an de
in Andean Group Report Nr. 07 * Seite 2
Themen: Gewalt; Gesetz; Paramilitär; Drogen; Kolumbien; Justiz; Kampf * Dok-Nr: 47614
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
142. (Artikel * 1997) N.N.
Flap over Columbian dollar rate Main issue: interest rate cut was insufficient
in Andean Group Report Nr. 07 * Seite 4
Themen: Währung; Ökonomie; Statistik; Banken; Inflation; Kolumbien * Dok-Nr: 47615
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
143. (Artikel * 1997) N.N.
Pérez de Cuéllar's telephone bugged/ Andean Community timetable published / IRC denied access to political prison Complaints against interference continue/ Peru to be fully incorporated by 2005/ President of Red Cros
in Andean Group Report Nr. 07 * Seite 6
Themen: MRTA; Politik; Ökonomie; Menschenrechtsverletzungen; Korruption; Guerilla; Peru; Justiz; Außenbeziehungen; Geiselnahme in Botschaft * Dok-Nr: 47616
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
144. (Artikel * 1997) N.N.
Who exactly is Pastor Perafan. Former Army Sergeant became multimillionaire.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 04 * Seite 2
Themen: Mafia; Coca; Drogen; Kolumbien * Dok-Nr: 46601
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
145. (Artikel * 1997) N.N.
Assessing the fruits of economic reform. Most jobs are being created in the informal sector.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 04 * Seite 4
Themen: Neoliberalismus; Ökonomie; Informeller Sektor; Lateinamerika * Dok-Nr: 46602
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
146. (Artikel * 1997) N.N.
Tablante heads new campaign. Country is no longer just a staging Post for shipments.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 02 * Seite 6
Themen: Mafia; Drogen; Venezuela; Kampf * Dok-Nr: 46606
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
147. (Artikel * 1996) N.N.
"Innocent civilians, jailed as terrorist" Faceless Courts attacked in Human Rights Watch Report.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 7 * Seite 2
Themen: Regierung; Politik; Menschenrechtsverletzungen; Peru; Menschenrechtsgruppe * Dok-Nr: 45166
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
148. (Artikel * 1996) N.N.
Bucaram inherits contracting economy.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 7 * Seite 4
Themen: Export; Handel; Import; Situation; Ökonomie; Ecuador * Dok-Nr: 45167
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
149. (Artikel * 1996) N.N.
Further delays fuel sell-off doubts.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 6 * Seite 3
Themen: Privatisierung; Ökonomie; Kolumbien * Dok-Nr: 44937
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
150. (Artikel * 1996) N.N.
Petkoff pledges political will.
in Andean Group Report Nr. 6 * Seite 6
Themen: Privatisierung; Ökonomie; Venezuela * Dok-Nr: 44938
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
151. (Artikel * 1996) N.N.
Venezuela's CristóbalColón offshore gas project put on hold for five year s
in Andean Group Report Nr. 10 * Seite 1
Themen: Ökonomie; Auslandsinvestitionen; Energie; Venezuela; Multis * Dok-Nr: 45850
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
152. (Artikel * 1996) N.N.
Hopes based on further exploration Oil
in Andean Group Report Nr. 10 * Seite 2 - 3
Themen: Ökonomie; Auslandsinvestitionen; Erdöl; Industrie; Naturressourcen; Kolumbien * Dok-Nr: 45851
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
153. (Artikel * 1995) s.o.
Venezuela approaches IMF at least but holds out for special treatment
in Andean Group Report Nr. 8 * Seite 1
Themen: Kredite; Verhandlungen; Schulden; IWF; Venezuela * Dok-Nr: 42986
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
154. (Artikel * 1995) s.o.
Dissident Sendero chief still at large But his second-in-command admits she got it wrong
in Andean Group Report Nr. 8 * Seite 2 - 3
Themen: Gewalt; Regierung; Sendero Luminoso; Menschenrechtsverletzungen; Drogen; Peru; siehe dazu auch "Drug links targeted by security forces" * Dok-Nr: 42987
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
155. (Artikel * 1995) s.o.
Demands grow for alternatives to coca Government accused of dragging its feet
in Andean Group Report Nr. 8 * Seite 3
Themen: Drogen; Landwirtschaft; Peru; Entwicklungshilfe-Organisationen * Dok-Nr: 42988
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
156. (Artikel * 1995) s.o.
Too many (debt) eggs in one basket? Growth of the World Bank as andean creditor
in Andean Group Report Nr. 8 * Seite 4 - 5
Themen: Kredite; Schulden; Weltbank; Bolivien; Kolumbien; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela * Dok-Nr: 42989
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
157. (Artikel * 1995) s.o.
Fujimory takes on church hierarchy Birth control seen as crucial aspect of war on poverty
in Andean Group Report Nr. 8 * Seite 6
Themen: Regierung; Männer; Familie; Sexualität; Konflikt; Frauen; Katholisch; Peru * Dok-Nr: 42990
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
158. (Artikel * 1995) s.o.
At least, emergency measures in Urabá Military accuse Farc of yet another massacre
in Andean Group Report Nr. 8 * Seite 7
Themen: Gewalt; FARC; Menschenrechtsverletzungen; Militär; Guerilla; Kolumbien; Partei * Dok-Nr: 42991
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
159. (Artikel * 1995) N.N.
Do they really run the business? Rodríguez may have a point when he says they do not
in Andean Group Report Nr. 5 * Seite 2
Themen: Politik; Mafia; Drogen; Korruption; Kolumbien; Partei * Dok-Nr: 41991
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
160. (Artikel * 1995) N.N.
Escovar promises action on crime "Integral" policy to link prevention and repression
in Andean Group Report Nr. 5 * Seite 6
Themen: Gewalt; Repression; Polizei; Öl; Ökonomie; Menschenrechtsverletzungen; Industrie; Venezuela * Dok-Nr: 41992
Standorte: FDCL Berlin