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81. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice; Eiger, Leonard
Celebrating Dr. King with Nonviolent Resistance to War
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 165 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Basisbewegung; Konzern; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * USA * Atomwaffen; Straßenblockade; gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion;; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor;; Lockheed Martin; Occupy-Bewegung; King of Prussia * Dok-Nr: 241450 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
82. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Remembering the Innocent
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 165 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Basisbewegung; Krieg; Widerstand; Christentum * USA * Pentagon; Weißes Haus; Drohnen * Dok-Nr: 241451 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
83. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Nuclear Resisters In & Out Of Prison
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 165 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Gefangene; Repression * USA * Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex; Oak Ridge, Tennessee;; Susan Crane; Steve Kelly; William Bichsel; David Corcoran * Dok-Nr: 241452 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
84. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
No Nuke Squatters Evicted International Notes
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 165 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Widerstand * Grossbritannien * small article;; Hinkley Point nuclear power plant * Dok-Nr: 241453 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
85. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Glasgow Peace Graffiti ( Thanks to Trident Ploughshares for this report )
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 165 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Basisbewegung; Frauen; Militär/Militarismus; Werbung; Widerstand * Grossbritannien * Rekrutierung; small article * Dok-Nr: 241455 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
86. (Artikel * 2012) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Woman Arrested at Ft. Benning
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 1 - 1
Themen: Menschenrechte; Militär/Militarismus; Repression * Lateinamerika; USA *; U.S. Army School of the Americas - SOA; Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation - SOA/WHINSEC; Theresa Cusimano * Dok-Nr: 239044 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
87. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
N-Waste Train Draws Record Resistance
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 1-1 - + 6-6
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Widerstand * BRD; Frankreich * ziviler Ungehorsam; Atommüll; gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Castor schottern * Dok-Nr: 239043 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
88. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 1 - 1
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Gefangene; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Freilassung; short article; Helen Woodson; Silo Pruning Hooks; Plowshares Movement * Dok-Nr: 239046 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
89. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice; Hutchison, Ralph
Ten Get Prison for Trespass at Tennessee N-Bomb Plant
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 1-1 - 2-2/6-6/7
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Basisbewegung; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Gewaltlosigkeit; Atomwaffen; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Resistance for a Nuclear Free Future * Dok-Nr: 239047 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
90. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
The Prosecution of Bradley Manning to begin
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Gefangene; Internationale Solidarität; Militär/Militarismus; Repression * USA * Militärgericht; Verhaftungen; Whistleblower; short article; Wikileaks; * Dok-Nr: 239048 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
91. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Peltier Moved
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Gefangene; Indigene Völker; Internationale Solidarität; Repression * USA * politische Gefangene; Leonard Peltier; Hochsicherheitstrakt; short article; American Indian Movement - AIM; * Dok-Nr: 239049 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
92. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Jeju Defenders Freed , Struggle Continues
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 3-3 - + 6-6
Themen: Infrastruktur; Militär/Militarismus; Umwelt/Ökologie; Widerstand * Südkorea * Bürgermeister; US-Militärbasis; Peace Island;; * Dok-Nr: 239050 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
93. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Disarm Now Plowshares Update
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Gefangene; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * USA *; Lynne Greenwald; short article * Dok-Nr: 239051 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
94. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Catholic Workers’ Global Resistance to 10 Years of Afghan War
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Basisbewegung; Indigene Völker; Krieg; Widerstand; Christentum * Afghanistan; Australien; Grossbritannien; USA * Blockade;; Creech Air Force Base; Drohnen;; Enoggera Army Base; Downing Street; Nevada National Security Site - NNSS; Western Shoshone Nation * Dok-Nr: 239052 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
95. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
October 2011 Anti-War Actions in Washington
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Krieg; Repression; Widerstand * Afghanistan; Irak; USA * militärisch-industrieller Komplex; National Security Agency - NSA; Veterans for Peace;;; Occupy Wall Street - OWS; Code Pink * Dok-Nr: 239055 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
96. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Minnesota Arms Merchant Evades Arrest , Skips State
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Industrie; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * ziviler Ungehorsam; Rüstungsindustrie;; Depleted Uranium - DU; Alliant Techsystems - ATK; Mark DeYoung; civil arrest warrant * Dok-Nr: 239056 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
97. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Drone Resisters Convicted , Jailed
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Völkerrecht; Widerstand * Afghanistan; USA * Ramsey Clark;;; Hancock 38 Drone Resisters; Jerry Berrigan * Dok-Nr: 239057 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
98. (Artikel * 2011) Baggarly, Steve
The Inside Line Writings from Jail from Morgantown
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 5 - 5
Themen: Alltag; Gefangene; Christentum * USA * Atomwaffen; ziviler Ungehorsam; Oak Ridge, Tennessee * Dok-Nr: 239058 * Dok-Art: Dokumentation
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
99. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
International Notes
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 6 - 6
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * BRD; Grossbritannien * London; Waffenhandel; Atommüll; Blockade; Defence & Security Equipment International - DSEi; Hinkley Point; Grohnde;; Nuclear Heritage Network; Kings Cliffe;; - DSEi; * Dok-Nr: 239059 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
100. (Artikel * 2011) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 164 * Seite 7 - 7
Themen: Basisbewegung; Folter; Industrie; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * USA * Massenvernichtungswaffen; U-Boot; Rüstungsindustrie; ziviler Widerstand; CIA-Geheimgefängnisse;;; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action; Guantanomo; Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor;; Lockheed Martin;; Nevada National Security Site - NNSS; US Strategic Command - Stratcom; Holy Innocents Faith & Resistance Retreat; Witness Against Torture; Nevada Desert Experience * Dok-Nr: 239060 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)