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261. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice International Notes in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 155 * Seite 6 - 6 Themen: Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * Australien; Grossbritannien; Kanada * gewaltlose Direkte Aktion;;;; Faslane , Scotland; Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area; Defense Systems and Equipment International * Dok-Nr: 205618 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
262. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice Police Spying Disrupts Prosecution of Port Blockaders in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 155 * Seite 7 - 7 Themen: Militär/Militarismus; Polizei; Repression; Widerstand * USA * Infiltration und Unterwanderung; Port Militarization Resistance , Olympia , Washington * Dok-Nr: 205619 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
263. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice Future Actions in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 155 * Seite 7 - 7 Themen: Krieg; Militär/Militarismus; NATO; Widerstand * Grossbritannien; Palästina; USA * Fort Benning; Fort Huachuca; peaceable assembly campaign;; NATO Welcoming Committee;; U.S. Army School of the Americas - SOA; US Strategic Command - Stratcom * Dok-Nr: 205620 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
264. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Arrests at Army's new arcade in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 1 - 1 Themen: Informationstechnologien; Kinder; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Werbung; Widerstand * USA * Rekrutierung; Kriegsspiele; Videospiele; Franklin Mills Mall Philadelphia Pennsylvania * Dok-Nr: 183798 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
265. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Demanding Justice at the Justice Departement in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 1 - 1 Themen: Folter; Krieg; Regierung; Repression; Strafverfolgung/Straflosigkeit; Widerstand * USA * Kriegsverbrechen; Bush-Regierung; Weißes Haus; Torture Accountability Action Day; National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance; Protestverbot missachtet * Dok-Nr: 183799 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
266. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Afghanistan-bound battle gear blocked at port in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 1 - 2 Themen: Geheimdienst; Krieg; Polizei; Repression; Widerstand * Afghanistan; Irak; Pakistan; USA * Blockade; gewaltlose Direkte Aktion; Olympia Port Militarization Resistance; Tacoma Hafen; 5th Stryker Combat Brigade; zivil-militärische Repressionszusammenarbeit; * Dok-Nr: 183800 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
267. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Moms at Bangor Say : Use Words, Not Weapons Mother’s Day for Peace in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 3 - 3 Themen: Alte Menschen; Atomtechnologie; Frauen; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * USA * Atomwaffen; Blockade;; gewaltlose Direkte Aktion; Seattle Raging Grannies; Trident Atom-U-Boote; Marine-Basis Kitsap-Bangor Washington; Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action * Dok-Nr: 183801 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
268. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Peltier Parole Hearing July 28 in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 3 - 3 Themen: Gefangene; Indigene Völker; Justiz/Gesetze; Menschenrechte; Repression * USA * Sioux; politische Gefangene; Leonard Peltier; American Indian; Pine Ridge Reservation; ungenügende Gesundheitsversorgung Peltiers; Native American * Dok-Nr: 183802 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
269. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack AWOL roundups, resisters in the ranks and refugees in Canada Military refusers go public in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 2 und 4 Themen: Krieg; Kriegsdienstverweigerung; Militär/Militarismus * Afghanistan; BRD; Irak; Kanada; USA * Cliff Cornell;; Dustin Stevens; Daniel Marble; Victor Agosto; Steve Yoczk; Travis Bishop; Tony Anderson; Ehren Watada; André Shepherd;; Kimberly Rivera; Kristoffer Walker; * Dok-Nr: 183803 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
270. (Artikel * 2009) Smedjeback, Martin Strategy Behind Swedish Disarmament in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 5 - 5 Themen: Demokratie; Krieg; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * Schweden * Direkte Aktion; Martin Smedjeback; Ofog-Netzwerk; Abrüstungskampagne; Anti-Kriegsetzwerk Ofog * Dok-Nr: 183804 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
271. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Coast to Coast, Australia Rejects Talisman Sabre in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 6 - 6 Themen: Krieg; Repression; Widerstand; Christentum * Afghanistan; Australien; Pakistan; USA * Gewaltloser Widerstand; Blockade; Operation Talisman Sabre; the Bonhoeffer Four;; * Dok-Nr: 183805 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
272. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack ‘Loyal Arrow’ a Royal Error in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 6 - 6 Themen: Internationale Solidarität; Krieg; NATO; Widerstand * Schweden * Lebensgefahr; Anti-Kriegsnetzwerk Ofog; Bombenabwurfsplatz-Besetzungen; NATO-Luftkriegsübung; Lulea * Dok-Nr: 183806 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
273. (Artikel * 2009) Zelter, Angie Aldermaston Blockaded in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 154 * Seite 5 und 7 Themen: Atomtechnologie; Basisbewegung; Widerstand * USA * Blockade; Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment; Trident Atomwaffen; nuklearer Staatsterrorismus; Legitimationserklärung für gewaltfreien Widerstand * Dok-Nr: 183807 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
274. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack One year for U.S. Army Refuser in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 1 - 1 Themen: Kriegsdienstverweigerung; Militär/Militarismus; Repression * Kanada; USA * Cliff Cornell; Abschiebung aus Kanada; * Dok-Nr: 183695 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
275. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Ground the Drones in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 1 - 1 Themen: Ethnie; Krieg; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand; Christentum * Afghanistan; Irak; Pakistan; USA * Western Shoshone; Drohnen-Einsatz;; gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Creech Air Force Base; Artikel auf Seite 1 und 4 * Dok-Nr: 183696 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
276. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Avrusta! Campaign targets another Swedish Arms Exporter Prison No Deterrence in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 1 - 1 Themen: Außenpolitik; Konzern; Militär/Militarismus; Rüstungsexport; Widerstand * Indien; Schweden; Thailand * gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Saab Aerospace System; Martin Smedjeback; Anna Andersson; Annika Spalde; Pelle Strindlund * Dok-Nr: 183697 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
277. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Trident Resisters Remember Bikini Bomb Test Victims in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 5 - 5 Themen: Atomtechnologie; Geschichte; Militär/Militarismus; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * Marshall-Inseln; USA * radioaktive Verseuchung; Ground Zero Community for Nonviolent Action;; atomwaffenfreier Pazifik * Dok-Nr: 183698 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
278. (Artikel * 2009) Cohen-Joppa, Felice and Jack Iraq Invasion anniversary actions in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 5 - 5 Themen: Krieg; Regierung; Widerstand * Irak; USA * Kriegsverbrechen; Nürnberger Protokolle * Dok-Nr: 183699 Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
279. (Artikel * 2009) Holm, Kristin The Inside line Writings from Jail - from Pekin in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 4 - 4 Themen: Gefangene; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * Lateinamerika; USA *; Knastalltag; U.S. Army School of the Americas - SOA; Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation - SOA/WHINSEC * Dok-Nr: 183700 * Dok-Art: Dokumentation Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |
280. (Artikel * 2009) Spalde, Annika The Inside line Writings from Jail - from Norrköpping in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 153 * Seite 6 - 6 Themen: Gefangene; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * Schweden * gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Saab Aerospace System; Knastalltag; Avrusta! * Dok-Nr: 183701 * Dok-Art: Dokumentation Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas) |