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201. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Support Action
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Gefangene; Repression * USA * Solidarität; Krieg gegen den Terror; Whistleblower;;; Rafil Dhafir; Bradley Manning;; Sit-In; Norman Lowry; Richard Sauder * Dok-Nr: 229594 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
202. (Artikel * 2010) Peltier, Leonard
The Inside Line Writings from Jail from Lewisburg
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 11 - 11
Themen: Gefangene; Indigene Völker; Repression * USA * Politischer Gefangener; Pine Ridge; American Indian Movement - AIM * Dok-Nr: 229753 * Dok-Art: Dokumentation
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
203. (Artikel * 2010) Gwin, Nancy
The Inside Line Writings from Jail from Danbury
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 12 - 12
Themen: Asyl/Flüchtlingspolitik; Frauen; Gefangene; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand; Abschiebung * Südamerika; USA * US-Militärbasis; Fort Benning; School of the Americas / WHINSEC; illegal reentry * Dok-Nr: 229754 * Dok-Art: Dokumentation
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
204. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Drones On Trial
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 12 - 12
Themen: Justiz/Gesetze; Krieg; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * Afghanistan; USA * extralegale Hinrichtungen;; Creech Air Force Base; Drohnen; * Dok-Nr: 229755 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
205. (Artikel * 2010) LeTendre, Linda
A Day in New York City Court
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 12 - 12
Themen: Geschichte; Justiz/Gesetze; Krieg * USA * ziviler Ungehorsam;; Daniel Berrigan * Dok-Nr: 229756 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
206. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Guantanamo Demo Charge Tossed
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 12 - 12
Themen: Folter; Justiz/Gesetze; Widerstand * USA * * Dok-Nr: 229757 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
207. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Aussies Return to Scene of Crime After Charges are Dismissed
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 13 - 13
Themen: Basisbewegung; Justiz/Gesetze; Krieg; Widerstand * Afghanistan; Australien; Irak * gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Swan Island; Bonhoeffer Four * Dok-Nr: 229758 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
208. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Raytheon Women Acquitted
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 13 - 13
Themen: Frauen; Krieg; Widerstand * Israel; Nordirland * Operation Cast Lead * Dok-Nr: 229759 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
209. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Sweden Goes Nuclear
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 13 - 13
Themen: Atomtechnologie; NGO/Nichtregierungsorganisationen; Regierung; Widerstand * Schweden * Greenpeace; AKW; Moratorium; Forsmark * Dok-Nr: 229760 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
210. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Joint Air Force Exercises Disrupted
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 13 - 13
Themen: Ausbildung; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * Schweden; USA * Direkte Aktion; Ofog;; North European Aerospace Testrange - NEAT; Luftkriegsübung * Dok-Nr: 229761 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
211. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
British War Refuser Released
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 13 - 13
Themen: Kriegsdienstverweigerung * Afghanistan; Grossbritannien * Joe Glenton * Dok-Nr: 229762 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
212. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Disarming Duo In and Out of Prison
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 13 - 13
Themen: Gefangene; Konzern; Rüstungsexport; Widerstand * Schweden * Martin Smedjeback; Anna Andersson; Saab Bofors Dynamics * Dok-Nr: 229763 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
213. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Igor Sutyagin Freed
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 14 - 14
Themen: Gefangene; Militär/Militarismus * Russland; USA * * Dok-Nr: 229764 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
214. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Democracy Village
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 14 - 14
Themen: Krieg; Repression; Widerstand * Afghanistan; Grossbritannien * protest camp; Brian Haw; Barbara Tucker;; Simon Moore * Dok-Nr: 229765 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
215. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
EDO Decommissioners Acquitted
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 14 - 14
Themen: Basisbewegung; Justiz/Gesetze; Konzern; Militär/Militarismus; Widerstand * Grossbritannien; Israel * gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion; Operation Cast Lead;;; EDO / ITT * Dok-Nr: 229766 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
216. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
RNC 8 now 4
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 15 - 15
Themen: Demokratie; Partei; Repression * USA * Republican National Convention - RNC; Welcoming Committee;; political dissent * Dok-Nr: 229768 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
217. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Update Files Port Lewis , Washington
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 15 - 15
Themen: Krieg; Militär/Militarismus; Repression; Widerstand * Irak; USA * Blockade; Olympia Port Militarization Resistance; 5th Stryker Combat Brigade; Brianna Herrara; Patty Imani * Dok-Nr: 229769 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
218. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
Future Actions
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 158/159 * Seite 15 - 15
Themen: Atomtechnologie; Militär/Militarismus; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * BRD; Grossbritannien; USA * Castor; Blockade; Alliant Techsystems; gewaltfreie Direkte Aktion;;; Fort Benning;; Lockheed Martin;;; AlliantACTION; Devonport Dockyard;; Pacific Life Community * Dok-Nr: 229770 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
219. (Artikel * 2010) Cohen-Joppa, Jack; Cohen-Joppa, Felice
War Tax Resister To Be Sentenced
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 157 * Seite 3 - 3
Themen: Finanzpolitik; Justiz/Gesetze; Militär/Militarismus; Regierung; Rüstung/Waffen; Widerstand * USA * Kurznachricht; Frank Donnelly;; Seit Vietnam Steuerverweigerer * Dok-Nr: 214297 * Dok-Art: Nachrichten
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
220. (Artikel * 2010) Vitale, Louise
The Inside Line Writings from Jail from Lompoc : How Can I Cope ?
in The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear & anti-war activis Nr. 157 * Seite 4 - 4
Themen: Gefangene; Widerstand * USA * Essay; Fort Benning; School of the Americas / WHINSEC; s. a. Seite 1 - Bericht; Schilderung Haftalltag * Dok-Nr: 214300 * Dok-Art: Dokumentation
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)