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81. (Artikel * 1996) World first global biodiversity assessment released in jakarta during conference in Diversity Nr. 2 * Seite 2 - 3 Themen: Naturschutz/Artenschutz * Philippinen * Biodiversity * Dok-Nr: 33394 Standorte: |
82. (Artikel * 1996) Second session of bioconvention's conference of the parties takes up theme of "biodiversity for equitable welfare of all people" in Diversity Nr. 2 * Seite 3 - 6 Themen: Naturschutz/Artenschutz; Umwelt/Ökologie * Biodiversity; Konvention_on_biological_diversity * Dok-Nr: 33395 Standorte: |
83. (Artikel * 1996) The biodiversity convention and the private sector in Diversity Nr. 2 * Seite 6 - 7 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Naturschutz/Artenschutz; Umwelt/Ökologie * Biodiversity; Konvention_on_biological_diversity * Dok-Nr: 33396 Standorte: |
84. (Artikel * 1996) Cordoba botanic garden integrates In Situ and Ex Situ techniques to conserve the Flora of r in Diversity Nr. 2 * Seite 7 - 11 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Naturschutz/Artenschutz; Umwelt/Ökologie * Europa * Germplasm; Biodiversity * Dok-Nr: 33397 Standorte: |
85. (Artikel * 1996) Biodiversity training programm establishes link between NIS and U.S. ecologists for restoration initiatives in Diversity Nr. 1 * Seite 12 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Umwelt/Ökologie * USA * Biodiversität * Dok-Nr: 33398 Standorte: |
86. (Artikel * 1996) Mutually beneficial cucurbit expedition to the people's Republic of China leads to continued Collaboration with the United States in Diversity Nr. 1 * Seite 13 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Umwelt/Ökologie * USA * Biodiversität; Germplasm * Dok-Nr: 33399 Standorte: |
87. (Artikel * 1996) New Indian genebank draws praise of U.S. agriculture secretary for partnership in Diversity Nr. 1 * Seite 14 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Landwirtschaft * Indien; USA * Biodiversität; Germplasm * Dok-Nr: 33400 Standorte: |
88. (Artikel * 1996) "Much more aggressive" U.S. Germplasm program called for at AAAS in Diversity Nr. 1 * Seite 15 - 16 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Landwirtschaft; Pharma * USA * Biodiversität; Germplasm * Dok-Nr: 33401 Standorte: |
89. (Artikel * 1996) The partnership of biodiversity and high-yield agriculture production in Diversity Nr. 1 * Seite 16 - 17 Themen: Gentechnik/Biotechnologie; Landwirtschaft; Pharma * Biodiversität * Dok-Nr: 33402 Standorte: |