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1661. (Artikel * 2014)
Nicaragua will 2014 die gute Wirtschaftsentwicklung beibehalten
in Informe Nr. 1 * Seite 3 - 4
Themen: Handel; Landwirtschaft; Statistik; Wirtschaftspolitik * Nicaragua * Wirtschaftswachstum * Dok-Nr: 256113 * Dok-Art: Bericht
Standorte: FDCL Berlin
1662. (Artikel * 2014) Virchow, Detlef; Beuchelt, Tina; Denich, Manfred; Loos, Tim K.; Hoppe, Marlene; Kuhn, Arnim
The value web approach - so that the South can also benefit from bioeconomy New prospects could arise for countries of the South to go beyond their role of pure raw material suppliers.
in Rural 21 Nr. 3 * Seite 16 - 18
Themen: Landwirtschaft; Rohstoff; Wirtschaftstheorie * Afrika; Ostafrika * * Dok-Nr: 262265
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1663. (Artikel * 2014) Dr. Schneider, Rafael
Tailoring the bioeconomy to food security Bioeconomy strategies can contribute to poverty reduction - provided that they are circumspectly designed.
in Rural 21 Nr. 3 * Seite 19 - 21
Themen: Ernährung; Hunger; Landwirtschaft * * Dok-Nr: 262266
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1664. (Artikel * 2014) Richter, Silvia; Tetzer, Evelin; Gäbler, Günter
More than just mediators C.S.P. - Consulting and Service for plant-based raw materials GmbH, based in Dresden, Germany, aims to bring together supply and demand for bio-based resources.
in Rural 21 Nr. 3 * Seite 24 - 26
Themen: Industrie; Landwirtschaft; Rohstoff * Afrika; Ghana * * Dok-Nr: 262267
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1665. (Artikel * 2014) Dr. Morese, Maria Michaela
Global Bioenergy Partnership Working together dor sustainable development
in Rural 21 Nr. 3 * Seite 27 - 27
Themen: Landwirtschaft * Afrika; Ghana; Lateinamerika; Mali * Bioenergie * Dok-Nr: 262268
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1666. (Artikel * 2014) Müller, Joachim; Latif, Sajid
Cassava - how to explore the "all-sufficient" To make a better and more diversified use of plants in order to benefit from existing resources a lot of research has to be carried out.
in Rural 21 Nr. 3 * Seite 30 - 31
Themen: Ernährung; Landwirtschaft * * Dok-Nr: 262272
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1667. (Artikel * 2014) Selbherr, Christian
Mr Issoufou and the fight against hunger Extended dry periods and drought are regular occurrences in Niger
in Rural 21 Nr. 3 * Seite 38 - 40
Themen: Hunger; Landwirtschaft; Wasser * Niger * * Dok-Nr: 262278
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1668. (Artikel * 2014) Helmle, Simone
Clarifying roles in extension processes Rural Extension services are an extremely complex affair. This is due to the wide range of constellations in which farmers operate nowadays , and also to the large number of players who are active in advisory services , with their different tasks , values and mandates . With reference to Germany ' s rural extension services , our author shows who is taking on which role and where conflicts might potentially arise
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 9 - 11
Themen: Agrarpolitik; Landwirtschaft * BRD * Netzwerke; Defizite; Rural Extension * Dok-Nr: 257588
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1669. (Artikel * 2014) Simpson, Brent M.; Bohn, Andrea
Many actors , little coordination As with other countries , agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) in Malawi are provided by public , private , and non-profit organisations . While it has become commonplace to refer to this collection of actors as a system , this claim is only calid in the loosest of terms , as many of the comonent parts do not functionally interact with others in an operational sense , tending rather to function as independent sub-networks within larger national , and international spheres of exchange. The potetntial for interaction and exchange between these component parts defindes the potential for positive synergism, whereas the disconnect defines sources of inefficientncies, redundancies and conflict
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 12 - 15
Themen: Landwirtschaft; NGO/Nichtregierungsorganisationen * Malawi * Beratung; Defizite; Networking; EAS * Dok-Nr: 257589
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1670. (Artikel * 2014)
Sustainably financing extension services Providing extension and advisory services is expensive . There are salaries to be paid , transportation and operational funds to be provided , buildings to be rented or built , demonstration plots to maintain , and continued education to be offered to the extension staff . And then there is the need to continually invest an an overall functioning agricultural innovation system with strong research and teaching institutions , enabling policies , as well as to make capital investments in rural infrastructure that will not only benefit the farming population . Where are these funds to come from , and will these expenditutes pay off ?
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 16 - 18
Themen: Globalisierung; Landwirtschaft; NGO/Nichtregierungsorganisationen * Finanzierung; EAS * Dok-Nr: 257590
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1671. (Artikel * 2014) Faure, Guy
Setting out from farmer realitities The aim of " Management advice for family farms " ( MAFF ) approach is to strengthen the abities of farmes to manage their farms and improve their economic and social autonomy . In Francophone Africa , this holistic concept has been applied successfully for almost two decades
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 19 - 21
Themen: Landwirtschaft; Sozialstruktur * Westafrika * Family Farming; MAFF * Dok-Nr: 257591
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1672. (Artikel * 2014) Francis, Judith; Kwasi Addom, Benjamin
Modern ICTs and rural extension : Have we reached the tipping point ? Today , it would be difficult to imagine agricultural ectension without modern information and communication technologies . What they can do , where they fit in , and where they reach their limits is shown in the following examples
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 22 - 24
Themen: Globalisierung; Informationstechnologien; Landwirtschaft * Rural Extension * Dok-Nr: 257592
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1673. (Artikel * 2014) Fritz, David
Biovision' s Farmer Communication Programme . A circular knowledge dissemination system In many parts of Africa , formal education and training in agriclture is almost non-existent . Swiss Biovision Foundation supports farmers via its Farmer Communication Programme . While it takes advantage of its close links with research institutions , the ideas and experiences of farmers also flow directly into its course contents
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 25 - 27
Themen: Globalisierung; Informationstechnologien; Landwirtschaft * Afrika; Schweiz * Biovision * Dok-Nr: 257593
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1674. (Artikel * 2014) Hoffmann, Harry; Diehl, Daniel
Farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange Innovation takes place not only in laboratories , and disseminationg knowledge need not depend on classrooms . The Cambodian GIZ project " Best Farmer 2012 " is an example of how achievements of small-scale farmers can be appreciated and their co-farmers can simultaneously benefit from new insights
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 28 - 29
Themen: Landwirtschaft * Kambodscha * Wettbewerb; GIZ * Dok-Nr: 257594
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1675. (Artikel * 2014) Kamanga, Daniel; Kiragu, Wangari; Wambugu, Florence
Combining research and rural extension to the benefit of small farmers . From lab to field to market " There is plenty of innovation . The trick is to get it to the farmers , " it is often said when technology transfer to farmers , and smallholders in particular , is referred to . In addition to the financial resources , they often lack the knowledge needed to be able to benefit from the new technologies . The ' whole value chain approach ' of the Africa Harvest organisation shows how technology transfer can work
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 30 - 33
Themen: Landwirtschaft; Technologietransfer * Afrika * Africa Harvest organisation * Dok-Nr: 257595
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1676. (Artikel * 2014) Balasubramanian, Sharada
" Zero pesticide " vegetables for the Indian market In the Indian state of Karnataka , the First Agro farm has more than 40 varieties of vegetables on sale , all of thm free of chemical residues . Both hotels and restaurants as well as more and more reailers are appreciating the range of certified products form this young enterprise
in Rural 21 Nr. 1 * Seite 39 - 41
Themen: Landwirtschaft; Pestizide * Indien * Pestizidfreiheit * Dok-Nr: 257598
Standorte: Archiv für alternatives Schrifttum (afas)
1677. (Artikel * 2014) Hirschfeld, Noreen
Zwischen Mythos und Moderne Länderporträt
in afrikapost Nr. 4 * Seite 14 - 17
Themen: Geschichte; Kulturen/Lebensweisen; Landwirtschaft; Religionen; UNESCO; Wirtschaftspolitik; Christentum; Modernisierung * Äthiopien; Afrika; Eritrea * Energiepolitik; Länderporträt; Haile Sellasie * Dok-Nr: 268565 * Dok-Art: Analyse
Standorte: IfaK Göttingen
1678. (Artikel * 2014) Zakrzewski, Guido
Von "Ujamaa" zur Marktwirtschaft Wirtschaft
in afrikapost Nr. 4 * Seite 42 - 43
Themen: Agrarpolitik; Korruption; Landwirtschaft; Tourismus; Wirtschaftspolitik * Tansania * Wachstum; Bodenschätze; Subsistenzlandwirtschaft * Dok-Nr: 268578 * Dok-Art: Analyse
Standorte: IfaK Göttingen
1679. (Artikel * 2014) Haselhorst, Meiko
Zwischen Löhne und Luanda Angola/Deutschland
in afrikapost Nr. 4 * Seite 57 - 59
Themen: Bananen; BäuerInnen; Landwirtschaft * Afrika; Angola * Kleinbauer; Afrika-Projekt * Dok-Nr: 268585 * Dok-Art: Analyse
Standorte: IfaK Göttingen
1680. (Artikel * 2014) Wißmann, Constantin
Let's meat Was hat denn bitte ein Schwein in Niedersachsen mit dem Regenwald in Brasilien...
in Fluter Nr. 50 * Seite 14 - 16
Themen: EU; Handel; Landwirtschaft; Welthandel; Weltmarktfabrik; Wirtschaftspolitik; Wirtschaftstheorie; Soja * BRD; USA * Fleisch; Handelspolitik; Tierfutter; Schweinefleischexporte * Dok-Nr: 268737 * Dok-Art: Analyse
Standorte: IfaK Göttingen